“Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be.”
– Matthew 6:21 –
Giving is NOT about what God wants FROM you.
It’s all about what God wants FOR you!
We believe that giving should be a joyful response to God’s generosity toward us. We invite you to pray and reflect on what Jesus has done for you so that you can respond with a heart of gratitude and joy.
Giving is a great way to make an impact!
When we give joyfully from what God has given to us, we partner with God to accomplish His mission for us as a church – locally, nationally and internationally.

Life can be complicated. Giving doesn’t have to be.
Here are some simple ways you can give…
> Give by TEXT – Send a text message with any amount to 84321
> Give by CASH OR CHECK – If you prefer to give in person by cash or check, you can place it in a giving envelope during a Sunday worship service and drop it in one of our wooden giving kiosks. Checks can also be mailed to The Gathering Community Church / PO Box 87 Fuquay Varina, NC 27526. — Note: Please make checks payable to The Gathering Community Church.
> Give ONLINE – You can make a one time donation or set up recurring giving using a major debit or credit card or by ACH. – Click here to give online now
WHY do we give?
WHAT is tithing?
HOW MUCH should I give?
HOW OFTEN should I give?
Giving is an act of worship. Money is the #1 thing that competes with our devotion to Jesus (Matthew 6:24). Giving allows us to demonstrate that He is more important than anything else – including material things. When we trust God with our tithes and offerings, we know that He will bless the rest because we believe that it’s impossible to out-give God. (Proverbs 3:9-10, Malachi 3:10-12) We feel that because God has been so good to those who trust and follow Him, Christians should be the most generous people in the world to support worthy causes. (2 Corinthians 9:6) No organization has more potential to change the world than the local church! (Ephesians 3:10)
A tithe (which just means tenth) is the first 10% of a person’s income that is meant to be given back to the local church. Tithing is a principle that is taught throughout the Bible and demonstrates that God is first in our lives. Tithing is an opportunity for us to thank God for His blessings, show that we trust Him, and fight against the greed in our hearts – while allowing us to partner with God to impact our community for Christ to impact the world.
That’s between you and God. The Bible gives a simple guideline of 10% (“tithe”) of your income, but we encourage generosity – whatever that might look like for you right now. God will guide you as you trust Him with your finances. Just remember that you could never out-give God
Many people choose to give as often as they get paid but all we ask is that you give as often as God leads you. The best and easiest way to give is to set up automatic scheduled giving online but we realize that may not be the best option for everyone. God promised that He will bless our faithful generosity. (Malachi 3:10)
The Gathering Community Church
P.O. Box 87 Fuquay Varina, NC 27526
501 Wake Chapel Rd. | Fuquay Varina, NC 27526
Sundays @ 8:30am, 9:45am, & 11:15am